VagQuest: On-Demand Vaginismus Course

Feeling lost on your journey with vaginismus? VagQuest is a self-paced, on-demand course that provides you with a comprehensive set of tools that will take a mind-body-spirit approach to healing and empower you to become the heroine of your own story. 

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Why VagQuest for Vaginismus?

Vaginismus can have many causes, connections, and correlations to various aspects of our bodies and lives, which can make it difficult and confusing to navigate. VagQuest is a comprehensive program which uses a choose-your-own adventure format to address the type of vaginismus support you need, when you need it.

Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach

VagQuest for vaginismus includes tools based in yoga, neuroplasticity, storytelling, and more that will help you regulate your nervous system, relax your body, rewire limiting thought patterns, and embrace sensuality.

Choose-Your-Own Adventure

As you explore vaginismus, your needs and challenges might change monthly, weekly, and daily. VagQuest includes tools you can quickly use to empower you to take on any obstacle you encounter.

Lighthearted and Fun

Many healing modalities can feel serious and heavy. But in order to safely and effectively move through the darkness, we need a tether to the light. VagQuest helps you develop tools rooted in pleasure and humor for navigating tough times.

Start Your VagQuest Today

If you have vaginismus and have been feeling stuck in never-ending cycles of confusion, limiting beliefs, boredom, disempowerment, and lack of progress, try an approach that offers a comprehensive mind-body-spirit approach rooted in yoga, neuroplasticity, storytelling and the hero(ine)'s journey, and a dash of magic and fun.

Yes, I'm ready to get help

What People Say About Y4V Vaginismus Programs


"This program is exactly what I needed to get a push along my journey. I had been going to pelvic PT, using dilators (infrequently), taking different medications, working with a urologist in addition to the gynecologist, and feeling absolutely defeated because I kept running into issue after issue, and showing little growth. This course taught me to slow down to speed up, find success in resting, and making positive connections with such private parts of my body and my life. I didn't realize how interconnected literally everything is, and that healing each piece little by little makes for big progress in my vaginismus journey."


"This program overall helped me feel more connected with my body. It helped me redefine sexuality, intimacy, and sex itself. It was a very spiritual experience for me in helping me identify with myself in ways I couldn’t have anticipated. I feel more at peace with my body and more willing to be kind to myself."


"The program was incredibly well thought out with a lot of variety in course content.. My experience was overwhelmingly positive. I learned, or grew to understand, my experience with vaginismus as a very powerful part of my life's journey."



*Scholarship pricing or payment plans are also available for those who need it- contact for details.

  • Introductory content plus 7 in-depth modules to help you navigate various vaginismus challenges
  • 7 Power Practices (guided dilating meditations) to help you drop into your dilating, experience release, and feel empowered
  • Yoga classes and somatic exercises for a physical approach to self-care
  • Gamified, self-paced, choose-your-own adventure format to support yourself when and how you need it.
Coming Soon - Launches mid-June 2024

The Tools (and Magic) You Need To Navigate Vaginismus

For many of us, working through vaginismus entails more than showing up to PT and dilating a few times a week. Vaginismus can be caused by or impact our:

  • Sense of trust/safety with ourselves and others
  • Experiences with intimacy, sensuality and emotions
  • Personal power, or feelings of shame/guilt,
  • Relationships and our ability to receive love
  • Communication with providers and partners
  • How we intuit our needs and relate to our bodies, and
  • Our broader sense of purpose and connection to something beyond ourselves.

This course was designed to help people with vaginismus navigate all these areas. It was inspired by the chakra system of yoga, behavior change science, neuroplasticity techniques, nervous system regulation, tarot, the hero(ine)'s journey, storytelling for healing, modern psychological approaches for personal growth and relationships, and a little bit of magic and wonder.

*If you are interested in the course but have a financial barrier, please schedule time to chat with me here and we can work out a plan.