$749.00 USD

VagQuest - Course Launches June 2024

VagQuest is a comprehensive, self-paced, on-demand course designed to support people with vaginismus in taking back their journey. The course includes:

  • Introductory content plus 7 in-depth modules to help you navigate various vaginismus challenges
  • 7 Power Practices (guided dilating meditations) to help you drop into your dilating, experience release, and feel empowered
  • Yoga classes and somatic exercises for a physical approach to self-care
  • Gamified, self-paced, choose-your-own adventure format to support yourself when and how you need it.

For many of us, working through vaginismus entails more than showing up to PT and dilating a few times a week. Vaginismus can be caused by or impact our:

  • Sense of trust/safety with ourselves and others
  • Experiences with intimacy, sensuality and emotions
  • Personal power, or feelings of shame/guilt,
  • Relationships and our ability to receive love
  • Communication with providers and partners
  • How we intuit our needs and relate to our bodies, and
  • Our broader sense of purpose and connection to something beyond ourselves.

This course was designed to help people with vaginismus navigate all these areas. It was inspired by the chakra system of yoga, behavior change science, neuroplasticity techniques, nervous system regulation, tarot, the hero(ine)'s journey, storytelling for healing, modern psychological approaches for personal growth and relationships, and a little bit of magic and wonder.

If you are interested in the program but are facing financial constraints, please schedule time to chat with me here and we can discuss pricing or payment options.


Due to the nature of online content all sales are final.

By enrolling in and participating in VagQuest you understand that Melissa Rossi is a yoga teacher with personal experience with vaginismus and the owner of Melissa Rossi LLC and www.yogaforvaginismus.com. Our purpose is to help women move through the emotional pain of vaginismus and into a sense of personal power.

This course is for informational and educational purposes only. The information and education provided is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis.

Although we do our best to make sure all of the information contained herein is up to date and/or accurate, we do not make any representation that all the information contained herein is accurate or free of errors at all times. We do not assume any responsibility for accuracy of the course information, or its safety or efficacy as it applies to you. You should review any and all changes to your lifestyle, exercise regimen, or other health and wellness routines with your physician or a medical professional before trying it yourself.

We do not offer any representations, guarantees, or warranties, of any variety, regarding the course in any way including, but not limited to, effectiveness, safety, harm, or results achieved as a result of your use of the course. The course is offered “AS IS” and without representations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, neither express nor implied, to the extent permitted by law.  We are not liable for damages of any kind related to your use of the course or any information contained or discussed therein.

By using this course, you implicitly signify your agreement to all of the terms contained herein.

If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact Melissa Rossi at [email protected]. Thank you.